Saturday, October 20, 2007

Just one of those weeks

Do you ever feel at times that someone is sticking pins in you. It's just been one of those weeks where it seems like everything is going wrong. We got back from Cork on Wednesday evening and the plan was to relax, re-focus and just spend some peaceful time reading and spending time with God. Right well that was the plan but instead since we've come back it's just been one stressful thing after another and no peacful times whatsoever. It just feels like a couple of digs keep coming every so often during each day we've been back. Please pray that we will just be able to have that time as we feel it's crucial for our work in Cork. We have a lot to plan and direct but we need God's insight and wisdon on a few decisions so we need that time out. On the good side we had another viewing this morning (sat) so that makes it 13different parties in 2wks that have viewed our property. We just need that one buyer, God has been so faithful in getting the people in. Let's see what happenes...................

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