Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hi all, a quick update, just to say that things are looking up a bit, here in Cork. We obviously had a great time away, but since we came we have been re-evaluating things as to what we are doing here. I have been encouraged on Monday nights as we seek tyo help the homeless on the streets her, one or two small breakthroughs have helped and we are really getting a feel and a heart for the people of Cork.

This morning we attended the second youth workers meeting, it was encouraging to see quite a few volunteers from around the county sharing what God is doing in their areas, to see that God is definately at work in different areas and with different people groups. We will miss the next one which is disapointing but being in Kenya should help to dull the pain.

I am speaking in Lee Valley tomorrow and then will focus on preparing talks for the bible school in Kenya.

Still thinking and praying through ideas as to how to reach the goth and emo teens who are coming regurlarly to the Haven in the City. there can be 30 of them at times and we are excited to see what God will do in their lives. It's also a daunting challenge but God is good and alot smarter than us so we will try to follow His lead.

Hope this finds you well, we had a lovely time with Alastair and Joseph from dublin last weekend, encluding wakeboarding which was alot of fun.

Let us know how you are doing. All the best.

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